Failure IS an Option

When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I’ve never tried before.”  ~ Mae West

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Heads? Or Tails?
(Photo credit:, Graham Horn, photographer)

Choices.   They’re made every day, by everyone.   Kids are forced with choices more than they like to admit:  to do or not to do homework; appease hunger with a healthy snack or eat junk; go to bed on time or stay up late reading.  Mrs. Dirt (that would be me) chooses to work in the garden over paying thousands for use of a gym or country club facility.

Yesterday, I chose to enjoy my crappy-but-quiet kitchen with Houston’s public radio playing in the background, John Lienhard of University of Houston’s Engines of Our Ingenuity enlightening me once again with a thoughtful, educational piece.  I Didn’t Have a Choice struck a particular chord, though I really don’t miss any of his daily segments; they’re just that good.  (Here.  Have a listen rather than read the transcript.  You’ll see why.)   Nodding enthusiastically, I immediately began thinking of all the friends, family (the mirror?) using that phrase when stuck in a situation.

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